What Is A Swiss Ball?
If you are wondering what a swiss ball is you are probably not alone. A swiss ball is simply another word for: exercise ball, stability ball, fitness ball, etc. It is a ball that is made out of an elastic soft PVC and it usually has a diameter from anywhere between 35-85 centimeters and is filled full of air.

Common Uses
Some of the most common uses for a swiss ball include physical therapy, athletic training and common exercise.

The swiss ball was developed in 1963 by Aquilino Cosani. After years of failure he finally perfected a process for making large puncture resistant balls. These balls were used in treatment programs for infants but soon the “swiss ball” was being used in physical therapy sessions for adults. Of course, as we all know the swiss ball soon evolved from just a physical therapy tool to a tool used in anyones general fitness routines and are even found in yoga and pilates classes.

Uses For Muscles
Obviously the swiss ball is an excellent tool to use if you want to strengthen your abdominal or back muscles. This is due to the fact that your muscles are constantly having to work to keep balanced because of the unstability of the ball itself.

Other “Interesting” Uses
Many people recommend that you should site on a swiss ball instead of a normal office chair. The thinking behind this is the fact that your ab and back muscles are constantly being engaged in order to maintain the proper posture and balance on the ball.

Swiss Ball Exercises
The video provided below is an excellent video that will give you the perfect idea of how swiss ball exercises are performed. Also, be sure to check out the Best Way To Lose Belly Fat.